In the spring of 2021, Elephant and the Kaduna State Government partnered to digitise the public primary healthcare system across Kaduna State’s Primary Health Centres. Within 5 months, we were able to roll out across 170+ facilities using a Train the Trainer step-down training approach.
Working in areas with low connectivity and low digital literacy, Elephant has overcome a number of significant operational challenges to roll out across the region, with impact being felt across the state:

Launching 170+ facilities, many of which are not accessible by vehicle:
To roll out facilities quickly, Elephant’s Nigeria Operations team adopted a train the trainer approach to get facilities “live” and using ElephantOS. We trained over 300 LGA attendees at the events and drove high engagement through community training at scale.
For facilities that can not be accessed by vehicle, needs assessments were conducted in proxy with support from the office of the Zonal Coordinators working directly with the Ward Focal Persons at a train the trainer event. These stakeholders are then responsible for training and launching facilities in their zone.

Improving continuity of care for Kaduna's citizens:
Every patient registered on the system receives a Kaduna State Elephant Card with a unique identifier and QR code. It is easily scannable and ensures that there is no loss of information, providing a streamlined experience for Kaduna’s citizens at primary care level.
“Elephant Healthcare has helped a lot in helping us overcoming the challenges with medical records. It means that now with very good training, we can take records, keep them well. We have no danger of losing them. And then with an excellent platform through which we can maintain a continuum of care for our patients” Dr. Hamza Abubakar, Executive Secretary, Kaduna State Primary Healthcare Board
Providing visibility and transparency on key data points:
“With Elephant we have worked to ensure that our medical records are up to date, to look at the transparency in the system, to have visibility on what's happening and we are able to track key data points. Those are just some of the advantages." Dr. Amina Mohammed-Baloni | Commissioner of Health"
Building a platform to improve all aspects of the health system:
"We appreciate this partnership with Elephant Healthcare, because from the design up to deployment up to the testing part and, of course, now the scale up, Elephant has been a good partner and we look forward to covering all of the 1000 plus facilities in Kaduna state. We look not only towards EMR in terms of electronic medical records, but we are looking at how we can advance and branch this solution into other aspects of our facility management, like health supplies and drugs and commodities and how we track consumption and utilisation. We really look forward to the future together with Elephant." Executive Secretary, Kaduna State Primary Healthcare Board | Dr. Hamza Abubakar
We congratulate the officials of Kaduna State on their visionary work in expanding primary care to all Kaduna citizens and look forward to the continued successes to come.
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