
Elephant Nudge

Guide, educate and incentivise your workforce, with pay-for-performance rewards.
Elephant Healthcare logo

A clinical co-pilot to improve and reward quality of care.

Guide clinical actions

Use highly targeted nudges to influence clinical actions at the point of care, adapted to clinician behaviour and patient needs. Design nudges in line with national protocols.

Incentivise with pay-for-performance

Reward staff with targeted financial incentives. Or use non-financial incentives, such as performance evaluation, gamified leaderboards and points systems. Use fraud detection to ensure accurate distribution of incentives.

Support education

Provide clinicians with personalised feedback and training, based on adaptive, clinical performance data. Nudge can be tailored to support education at every level of the health system.

Elephant Nudge in action

Nigeria state governments asked Elephant to improve malaria Rapid Diagnostic Testing rates in our facilities.

Impact after 5 weeks


increase in testing rate


decrease in antibiotics prescribed


decrease in anti-malarials prescribed


decrease in out of pocket expenditure

Book a demo

Elephant Nudge can be tailored to address your priority quality of care challenges. Get in touch to discuss how Nudge can be customised to achieve your aims.

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